The Home -- taken from The Royal Path of Life (1879)

"Our very nature demands home. It is the first essential element of our social being. This cannot be complete without home relations. There would be no proper equilibrium of life and character without the home influence. The heart bereaved and disappointed, naturally turns for refuge to home life. No spot is so attractive to the wary one: it is the heart's moral oasis. There is a mother's watchful love and a father's sustaining influence. There is a husband's protection and a wife's tender sympathy. There is a circle of loving brothers and sisters happy in each other's love. Oh what is life without these!"

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Children...a blessing or a cursing?

Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
Psalms 127:3
Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.
Proverbs 17:6
I found this picture, and these verses came to mind. One thing that I am so thankful for is the fact that my parents have always taught us girls that we were God's gift to them, that children are a blessing not a curse. Today, we live in a selfish society that either deems children as unnecessary or a waste of time. Aren't you glad that God's Word never lies? Never changes? No matter how much the world calls children a curse, we have God's Word to tell us otherwise..."Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is His reward."
Picture by Mary Englebreit


Anonymous said...

I didn't realize that you had this other blog, Jennifer! I've added it to the directory, if that is all right.

I agree 100%! Children are a sign of God's blessing on a marriage. How sad to say to God, "I want you to bless me in my way, my time and with the number that I stipulate."

Our pastor encourages the young couples in our church that we are to be reproducing by winning souls and raising godly children. The Muslims are reproducing much more quickly than we are because they have large families. We must quit weakening ourselves by limiting God.

Jennifer said...

Thanks, Becca,
That is so true! Thanks again for listing me on the directory!
